12 فبراير، 2025
نابلس - فلسطين
من المخيم



In the Name of الكلah Almighty,

We have been paying close attention to the Humanitarian Tragedy in Gaza/Palestine due to Zionist Israeli aggression, cruelty and tyranny, which has caused the death of thousands of civilian victims, including women and children, medical personnel and journalists, and damaged public infrastructure including schools and hospitals, as well as places of worship, including mosques and churches. For the sake of a just and civilized humanity, we who gather in the الكلiance of Peoples of Indonesia to Defend Palestine express the following position:

  1.  Demand that the war be stopped immediately, and that an international investigation into crimes against humanity and war by Israel be carried out to be submitted to the International Court of Justice.
  •  For the sake of humanity, peace, and justice, we strongly oppose Israel’s colonization of Palestine, and strongly condemn the politics of apartheid, genocide, holocaust, and terrorism that Israel continues to carry out.  We therefore call on the Governments of Islamic Countries/Arab Countries to cancel diplomatic relations and/or not open diplomatic relations with Israel until the independent and sovereign State of Palestine is established.  As a form of solidarity for Palestine, as a nation that loves peace and justice, Indonesia should boycott and not buy Israeli products such as clothing, food and drink products that financially contribute to the war machine of Israel.
  •  Appreciation to the United Nations (UN) for its decisions and resolutions regarding Israel, among other things, for heavy violations against human rights.  However, the UN needs to take real and firm steps in enforcing its resolutions, by eliminating the veto power of countries that display double standards on the Palestinian issue.
  •  Support with high appreciation for the Government of Indonesia’s firm and consistent stance, which since the time of President Bung Karno until now, has continued to reject Israeli colonialism and support an independent Palestine.  We also appreciate the firm diplomatic stance taken by Foreign Minister H.E. Retno Marsudi, both at the OIC Summit forum and the UN General Assembly.  We recommend to the Indonesian Government to further encourage collaboration between OIC member countries, ASEAN, JCC, and countries such as Russia, China, Bolivia which take a firm stance on Israel.
  •  Expressing gratitude to all parties who have helped the Palestinian/Gaza people with diplomacy, demonstrations, opinion making in the media, relief aid, funds, and prayers.  We hope that all of these can open the world’s conscience and global awakening to save humanity and voice of reason , to help touch more hearts, and open the doors of international policies to ensure the enactment of justice and to establish peace from the Middle East region to the rest of the world, with an independent Palestine, and the disappearance of Israeli colonialism from the face of the earth.

 6. Call on peoples of various religions and faiths to continue praying to الكلah the Almighty to bestow the Palestinian peoples physical and spiritual strength to be resilient amidst suffering, and to realize the independence of their nation and state of Palestine.

 Jakarta, 5 November 2023.

 الكلiance of Peoples of Indonesia to Defend Palestine.
